Wednesday, December 16, 2009

... More Condition_symptomselius Since Christmas Is Becoming More And More Commercial, How Long Until Christmas Loses All Ties With Religion?

Since Christmas is becoming more and more commercial, how long until Christmas loses all ties with religion? - ... more condition_symptomselius

I predict that by 2041 ....


It@li@n -N- Pr0uD said...

Not much ...

loosecan... said...

Is there anywhere in the world where you do not see the government or try to eliminate certain anti-Christian movemnt to God or Jesus. Very soon. very soon, Jesus will come within 20 or 30 years. I believe that. Time to prepare and be ready.

Annie said...

He has in my opinion .... Go in peace .... God bless

Morganie... said...

In my house?

Ever. (God willing)

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