Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sores On Viginia How Do People Get Cold Sores?

How do people get cold sores? - sores on viginia

I want some answers about the cold sores. If this is caused by germs or by sharing drinks or what? Any information would be useful. Thank you.


qweenqt7... said...

Cold sores are a form of herpes. I have since I was a baby. My family finally. This is a virus and sexually transmitted diseases, without remedying the situation. So they get. As a rule, at the beginning or end, if I am ill. This is usually when your body is more susceptible to infections. Some people experience when they go through a lot of stress. It is a drug that reduces the healing time of it. So if you see your doctor for treatment when it arrives. Unfortunately, I wish there was a cure. I dealt with them for over 20 years, and allow me to say that high school was hell because of it. But I am!

Guitar_c... said...

I thought it was only open wounds of others. If you like kissing or drinking after someone with an open wound ... I drank after my sister as her cold sores, where most of the Heald and I failed. Then I had chickenpox badly as a child. This is also a form of herpes. :)

Guitar_c... said...

I thought it was only open wounds of others. If you like kissing or drinking after someone with an open wound ... I drank after my sister as her cold sores, where most of the Heald and I failed. Then I had chickenpox badly as a child. This is also a form of herpes. :)

JEFFBEV said...

It is caused by a virus. You need to kiss her in contact with the saliva of an infected person or sharing drinks or.

crazy cat lady said...

If someone cold sores, which have attracted a strain of herpes. Herpes sores, infected with the virus because I am in the airplane when I was five years old. Well, I am a regular basis, usually when I really emphasized deprived, sleep deprivation or excessive consumption of citrus fruits. If someone has a cold sore, its dissemination by sharing drinks, kissing, etc.

ksruckma... said...

Here's a whole blog is full of information on cold sores. Hope it helps.

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