Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Winn Golf Grips At Golf Town, Winn Xi7 Grips Are On Sale, I Am Interested, But Do Not Know What Size To Get???

At golf town, Winn Xi7 grips are on sale, i am interested, but do not know what size to get??? - winn golf grips

theres a standard size and larger ..... someone knows the difference between the 3?


Scotty said...

Everything depends on the size of his hands. A good method is to use the size of your golf glove as a template ...

STD = Small Grip (# 5)
Medium / Large, Medium and Large = Grip (# 6)
Extra Large and XXL = Oversize Grip (# 7)

The other thing to consider is the comfort, since most of the time is more comfortable grip, but be careful not to handle that is too large or is not able to correctly use the output of the club estimate . . .

zudmelro... said...

The differences depend on the size of their hands. big hands, that the use of medium or large. Ask the store you should use.

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