Friday, January 15, 2010

C Diff Yogurt 36 Weeks Pregnant And Lightheaded And Weak???

36 weeks pregnant and lightheaded and weak??? - c diff yogurt

In 36 weeks pregnant and sometimes I have lately always real dizziness and weak almost daily, that part of the day. If it happens, I feel weak and get very unstable. I try to eat something, but this puts it away! I've had the diabetes test and my iron levels tested 2 weeks and was told everything was in order. I called my doc today, after it happened, and told me it was very likely that my blood sugar in the blood fall b / c I'm eathing enough. I eat yogurt for about 2 hours before that happened today .. b / c he said he had all of 2 hours. It does not feel good. Im very tired. I drink lots of water ... I, though I'm not thirsty! I sleep all day, but I'm always tired! What is wrong with me? Does anyone else felt this way?


ProudMom... said...

I felt good during my pregnancy. In my experience, when the light and led to such a success that it is too late to eat to win. If I eat too much, so I'm good. But it is quite normal, but.
Until now, fatigue is perfectly normal. The dream all you want, cuz when the baby is here take leave to his dream.

SexyAmby said...

I feel very weak, especially in the morning when I wake up, I've got a slow start, sometimes so bad that I just sit there and just get to an instant, but also 36 weeks. but I think it is normal that at the end and the baby is takin all your energy.

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